Saturday, June 7, 2008

5 Differences Between & International Google Search Results

Having searched hundreds of times on and I see some subtle differences in how the top ranked global / US results are mixed into international results.

* High authority sites do not tend to rank as well internationally as they do in the US. Domain trust counts less. As an example, Matt Cutts recently posted about his favorite omron pedometer. He is right near the top on, but it a bit lower internationally.
* Low authority sites that were near the top of the global search results tend to rank a bit better internationally. My mom has a lower link authority weight loss blog and has also posted about her favorite omron pedometer, and ranks better internationally than she does in the US results.
* Exact match domains ("" matches [mykeyword] and [my keyword]) seem to get a bit more love in international search results than in the US results.
* The domain love is even moreso if it is a local domain extension.
* Trusted local sites are aggressively mixed into the search results, especially for queries that would hint a local preference. In one local market I saw a local thin affiliate site ranking in the top 3 for a core mortgage term, and the site was only PageRank 2.

Based on SEO Book

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